Lima Food Boat
Fiorella Tazza
Historia completa
Investigadora en Pedagogía Digital, Inteligencia Artificial, Arte y Estudios del Futuro
*Researcher in Digital Pedagogy, AI, Art and Future Studies*
Directora Creativa Audiovisual especializada en Dirección de Arte por la PUCP, con un Máster en Investigación en Arte y Creación por la UCM. Cuento con experiencia en proyectos internacionales en cine, publicidad y medios digitales. Actualmente, me encuentro investigando y desarrollando un perfil profesional orientado al diseño de futuros, con especial énfasis en áreas como la inteligencia artificial, la realidad extendida (XR) y la educación a través de las enseñanzas artísticas y de diseño.
Creative Audiovisual Director specialized in Art Direction by the PUCP, with a Master in Art and Creation Research by the UCM. I have experience in international projects in film, advertising and digital media. Currently, I am researching and developing a professional profile oriented to the design of futures, with special emphasis on areas such as artificial intelligence, extended reality (XR) and education through artistic and design thinking.

“Youth, Diversity and AI: The technology of values” - Fundacio Bofill
On the second day of ReFAL's annual meeting, the dialogue “Youth, Diversity and AI: The technology of values”, in which several members of the network took part, taking advantage of the presentation of the journal ‘Quaderns de la Mediterrània’ 35. Maria-Àngels Roque, director of the magazine; Amal Khadiri, from the Association of Human Rights Educators (AHEAD); Hajar Al Hawari, from the Eurecat Foundation; Fiorella Tazza, coordinator of projects and research on digital communication and creative industries at the Institute of Cultural Affairs of Spain (IACE); and the moderator of the dialogue, Mònica Nadal Anmella, from the Bofill Foundation.

XXIII ReFAL Reunion in
Fundacio Bofill & Anna Lindh Foundation
ReFAL begins this new stage with the objective of creating reflection, promoting action, and influencing and weaving alliances with the rest of the Foundation's networks to provide cultural action and creativity with the means to position it as a central tool in the promotion of Euro-Mediterranean intercultural dialogue. I participated as Coordinator of Creative Projects and Multimedia Researcher at the Institute of Cultural Affairs, Spain.

Policy Paper for Anna Lindh Foundation through IEMED and IACe
Este policy paper ofrece un enfoque innovador sobre competencia digital para la UE y el sur del Mediterráneo, integrando arte, educación e IA. Desarrollado para la Fundación Anna Lindh, busca fomentar el diálogo intercultural y promover políticas públicas eficaces en el uso ético y creativo de la IA.
This policy paper offers an innovative approach to digital competence for the EU and the Southern Mediterranean, integrating art, education and AI. Developed for the Anna Lindh Foundation, it seeks to foster intercultural dialogue and promote effective public policies on the ethical and creative use of AI.

Docencia de la Formación Profesional para el Empleo
Haber obtenido el certificado profesional de Docencia de la Formación Profesional para el Empleo me habilitada para ejercer la docencia en certificados de profesionalidad del Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal (SEPE) en España. Aprendí a crear, organizar y adaptar materiales didácticos, además de diseñar y evaluar acciones formativas/pedagógicas de manera efectiva.
The Professional Teaching Certificate for Vocational Training qualifies me to teach certification courses under Spain's State Public Employment Service (SEPE). I learned to create, organize, and adapt educational materials, as well as design and evaluate effective training and pedagogical actions.

Research in educational multimedia innovation through the implementation of a MEDIALAB DIART-Lab
¿Cómo puede la integración de la Inteligencia Artificial con las ciencias humanas fomentar una convivencia humana más constructiva y favorecer una transición digital inclusiva? El "DIART-Lab", como caso de estudio, abreviatura de Diálogo-Interculturalidad-AI y Arte, es un laboratorio ciudadano que emplea un Diseño Metodológico Artístico Participativo (DAMP) en respuesta a la pregunta principal de esta investigación. Aquí se explora cómo integrar habilidades artísticas, el uso de inteligencia artificial y la realidad virtual en la pedagogía y el pensamiento de diseño con el diseño de futuros.
How can the integration of Artificial Intelligence with human sciences foster a more constructive human coexistence and favor an inclusive digital transition? The "DIART-Lab", as a case study, short for Dialogue-Interculturality-AI and Art, is a citizen laboratory that employs a Participatory Artistic Methodological Design (PARMD) in response to the main question of this research. Here we explore how to integrate artistic skills, the use of artificial intelligence and virtual reality in pedagogy and design thinking with futures design.